Behind the scenes of broadcast


Karina Bedi

After finishing filming a video about suicide prevention, Sarah Nevins, Mikayla Barkve and Natalie Ham head inside to edit and complete their project.

Everyday students witness lives, events going on around campus and student’s accomplishments on WCTV19; however students don’t realize the amount of effort gone into producing, planning, organizing and filming and how much dedication is put into producing a short episode everyday. Students only see what is shown to them, but have you ever wondered what it’s like behind the scenes?

Working behind the camera, taking charge of the lights, TV shots and shot set ups can be tough, Sarah Nevins explains the difficulty she faces whilst working behind the camera. Nevins said that working on set really is stressful and she faces challenges frequently when filming.

“My biggest challenge is probably working with everyone’s schedules. It’s hard to find a time when everyone is available,” Nevins said.

Even though she faces challenges, she still tries her best to get through it. On top of all the stress, staff members have to start their day early.

“We usually get to school at 7:10 to start preparing,” Nevins said.

Normally the staff members are under a strict time constraint to film and edit also.

“We usually get about 20 minutes to film and the rest of class to edit,” Nevins said.

Editing usually takes longer, as members must make sure everything goes according to plan and that there are no mistakes, as students only see what they decide to show us. As well as all the hard work put in, coming up with innovative ideas has proven to be a struggle.

“It can be difficult, But it just takes time. My partner and I usually come up with our best ideas late at night over text,” Nevins said.

As well as producing WCTV19 everyday, the broadcasting team is currently working on an interesting project. Bethany Oh, who is a peer teacher and anchors every month talks about how the time constraint for the project is incredibly limited.

“Right now we are filming a short film for STN [Student Television Network] and only have six days to do it.” Oh said.

As well as having such a short time period for producing something, the team is determined to try their best. They also produce PSA’s frequently to educate and inform students.

“We all film videos and are in charge of making a PSA every month which takes up a lot of time,” Oh said.

Along with just filming videos, comes editing and improving them which is challenging for students especially when they are under a strict time limit which is even more difficult for them.

“My biggest struggle is trying to improve videos [they have to be very detail oriented],” Oh said.

Clearly students really don’t see how much of their time is put into making the announcements which we view for 10 minutes or so everyday, they require true commitment and devotedness. The broadcasting team spend so much of their time on filming and editing videos constantly just so we can get our early morning announcements. Along with the making of PSA videos and having to edit they still determine to try their best whilst handling the strict time constraints.