Reese Phillips shares what it is like to be in multiple STUNT routines
In level one of pyramid and tosses, three stunt groups hit their final ending pose, which is two halfs and a cupie during their game March 12. Photo by AJ Cabrera.
A typical STUNT game involves four quarters with four routines in each quarter ranging from levels one to six. First quarter is partner stunts, which can have one to three stunt groups out on the mat depending on which level. Second quarter is pyramid and tosses which is always three stunt groups. Pyramids involve three different stunt groups all working together with the flyers most likely braced with each other for a portion of time. Then after a 10-minute halftime, it is third quarter, jumps and tumbling. The final quarter is a combination of all three quarters, giving it a routine-like feel. STUNT differs from other sports because they play two games in one day.
For Reese Phillips, this year being her second year on the STUNT team, she has been put in more routines than last year.
Q: How do this year’s STUNT team’s strengths differ from last year?
A: We have more tumbling this year, and we feel more confident in what we are doing as a team since we have more tumbling.
Q: How do this year’s STUNT team’s weaknesses differ from last year?
A: We have a hard time with level six pyramid and tosses.I struggle with my kick twist sometimes and my one man to the half.
Q: How many routines were you in last year compared to this year?
A: I was in three routines. Only jumps and tumbling levels one, four and five. I was not in any stunting routines. This year I am in six routines, but I switch out with other team members. I usually switch out of level one and two of jumps and tumbling, but I am always in five and six. I am also in pyramid one and six.
Q: How does it feel to be in so many more routines this year?
A: I feel more a part of the team and it shows that my hard work has finally paid off.
Q: Do you ever get stressed from being in so many routines?
A: Yes, I want to make sure I don’t mess up the counts and also that I am always sharp with my motion. I always run through the counts beforehand.
Q: What is the hardest routine you are in?
A: Level six pyramid [is hardest] because the tempo is very fast and the skills are super hard.
Q: What is your favorite routine you are in?
A: Level five tumbling because I was in it last year so I feel confident in that level.
Q: What is your favorite skill you have gotten this season?
A: My one man to the half and my kick twist basket because I get to be in level six. A kick twist is a basket toss where you kick your right leg up and twist your body in a 360 turn to the right.
Q: What do you want to accomplish before the season ends?
A: I want to get my 360 to a full [liberty], which is a single foot stunt because I want to be a flyer in level four pyramid.
Q: Do you prefer STUNT or sideline cheer more?
A: STUNT because it is about the girls on the team and the focus is on us instead of sideline cheer where the focus is on the football players.
Q: Is there anything else you would like the readers to know?
A: Everyone should come out and support STUNT; also try out, too. Our next game is April 24 at 5 p.m. at Roseville.