Curly hair can be frustrating at times. It’s unpredictable and hard to tame, so I find that a good routine is crucial to a good hair day. Through my curly hair product journey, I have tested many products and nailed down a perfect formula for strong and healthy 3a curls.

The most important part of this routine takes place in the shower when shampooing and conditioning your hair. When choosing these products you want to avoid sulfate and other harmful chemicals. My favorite set of clean products is the Innersense Color Awakening Hair Bath mixed with the Innersense Color Radiance Daily Conditioner which costs $30 each. Conditioners are important to maintain moisture and nourish the curls. I find that Innersense’s use of rice bran oil, shea butter and avocado oil provides vitamins to your hair that check all those boxes and avoid frizz. It’s important to detangle your curls when the conditioner is in your hair to prevent breakage and maintain the integrity of your curl shape.

Post-shower, it’s important to avoid drying your hair with a towel because you will want your hair drenched for styling. The first essential styling product is a leave-in conditioner or a curl cream. Curly hair is quick to dry out so providing moisture outside of a regular conditioner is a vital part in avoiding breakage and dissatisfying results. Innersense Sweet Spirit Leave-in Conditioner is a lightweight product that always leaves me satisfied with my soft, defined curls that you can buy for $28. The aloe vera and tamanu oil are lightweight components so I never have to worry about my curls being weighed down or having helmet hair. The rosemary oil that is infused into the product stimulates natural hair growth, an added benefit. When applying, spray an appropriate amount of the product into your hand and scrunch it into your hair. Afterward, brush your hair to distribute properly.

After applying your moisturizing product, the next step depends on what you prefer your final product to look like. Do you want volume? Or do you want definition? A mousse offers a lightweight bouncy hold that gives your hair a freeing and voluminous look creating a rounder, fuller product. Not Your Mothers Curl Talk Activating Mousse is an easy-to-use affordable product for only $10.99. The mousse provides long-lasting protection against humidity, so your curls can thrive all day. For easy application, all you have to do is put the appropriate amount in the palm of your hand and scrunch it into your hair. For more defined results I recommend a hair gel. The Innersense I Create Curl Memory Gel at $28 provides a long-lasting hold that promotes moisture and eliminates frizz, giving your curls a nice bounce. When scrunching this product in remember that a little goes a long way to avoid weighing down your hair. The only thing left is to airdry or diffuse your perfect curls.