Star Wars ‘Battlefront’ reveals a new diverse multiplayer after long wait


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After 10 long years of waiting for “Battlefront,” the reviews I heard from other people had me anxious about the release. Going into it, I felt as it was made by EA, it might be less of a Star Wars game, and more of a “Battlefield” game with Star Wars looks. However, I feel as if “Battlefront” brought new features in a game industry with repetitive games, while keeping part of what made the other games good.

First, without a doubt, “Battlefront” has by far, one of the best graphics of any game I’ve ever played on console. The amount of detail put in every map, from the stalactites on Hoth to the lava on Sullust, it just looks absolutely beautiful. I could just talk about the graphics forever, as they might be the best part of the actual game itself, but I won’t because this game still has so much to offer.

Naming the game “Battlefront,” instead of Battlefront III, fits the game extremely well because it’s a whole new experience from the old games, and feels like its very own game and not part of a sequel.

The new multiplayer modes they added all offer so many different experiences that I couldn’t enjoy each one fully at the time. Overall, they offer so much variety which makes it less boring and repetitive trying out each game mode. Playing the traditional mode, which is basically Supremacy, is decently fun, but half the time, you just feel like you’re going nowhere and not making much progress if the enemy keeps pushing you back.

One game mode that was really enjoyable is Heroes vs Villains, as it really adds a layer of strategy and excitement to the game. As soon as one team’s three heroes are killed, the game ends, and as a bodyguard or hero, the decision of whether to go all in for killing the opponent or trying to defend your own hero really makes this game mode intense.

However, being able to try to play as other races in “hunt” for “Star Wars Battlefront II” was something they sorely missed out on. Furthermore, the space battles are a lot less fun and strategic as before, when you could decide whether to go in a ship and fight it out with others, go for the other team’s carrier or charge straight into their base with a gun to fight their pilots.

Instead, they brought Fighter Squadron, which really just seems like a bunch of ships randomly firing into the cluster of ships brought in a small space. However, the overall ship interface and maneuverability is improved, and the way they work on regular maps is woven really well. More importantly, they aren’t too difficult without being too overpowering to normal foot soldiers.

The biggest plus of the game, is how completely balanced it is. I’m not going to lie, I absolutely loved massacring helpless troopers with Jedi’s in “Battlefront II.” However, the way heroes are is fun to play, without oppressing troopers and without being weaker than said troopers. No gun is ridiculously strong to the point where everyone uses it, there’s a large variety of guns, and because there are no different classes like in “Battlefront II,” everyone is pretty much equal.

Even the vehicles are not impossible to take down with a few soldiers, but also feel really manageable from both ends.

Despite getting rid of those classes, the new character models and selections are so stunning, that even with their unrealistic armor, they look so detailed, they feel they could walk out of the screen.

My biggest complaint, other than space battles, is the lack of a campaign. Part of what made “Battlefront II” so fun, was that even without multiplayer, the plotline of following the 501st through their betrayal of the Jedi and rise of the Empire was so compelling for a game centered around multiplayer. This game just has, multiplayer.

Furthermore, the way powerups just spawn somewhat rewards players for doing nothing other than simply standing around waiting. However, I could see the reasoning behind this, as now every player can become one of three heroes from each side, ranging from Darth Vader, to Princess Leia, to Boba Fett.

Each hero has unique abilities that make them feel special and of course, each ability has a stunning visual effect.

Despite some inherent flaws from this game, if you enjoy regular first person shooters like “Call of Duty/’ or especially ’Battlefield,” or if you just want to buy it because it’s Star Wars related. Actually, “Star Wars Battlefront” partly makes me want to buy an Xbox One just for its diverse and replayable multiplayer.