Kendra Roberson shares what it’s like being on STUNT, playing multiple games a week with a record of 11-3

During a league game against Rocklin March 28, Kendra Roberson, Reese Phillips and Elyse Sheek stunt with their groups in Level 2 of pyramids and tosses. They won 15-14. Photo by Geoffrey Clarion.

Being one of the quickest growing female sports according to USA cheer, STUNT has been at this school for four years. The STUNT team has played its most successful season so far, beating two teams they’ve never beat before, Rocklin and Liberty Ranch. They play anywhere from one to six games a week. Each game has four quarters, quarter one being partner stunts, second is pyramids and tosses, third is jumps and tumbling and fourth is a runthrough combining all three quarters. There are 18 routines the athletes have to memorize because of six different levels of routines, and they compete these routines in unison with the other team. The winner is the team that the judges felt had the cleanest routine.

Q: What is the hardest part about STUNT for you?

A: The hardest part about STUNT for me is trying to continuously push myself by working hard to get more skills at practice. Also to be in more routines and give 110% effort.

Q: What’s the most memorable game you’ve played this season?

A: The most memorable game was this year against Rocklin, our big rival that we have never beaten. We tied the game after being down five points and won in sudden death.

Q: How does it feel to be 11-3 overall and 4-1 in league?

A: Being tied first in league feels very rewarding because it shows all our hard work at practices that we have put in this year and how our team has grown so much in our skills.

Q: How many games do you play a week on average?

A: We usually play about two games a week, but some weeks we could have up to four games or even six.

Q: How was playing Rocklin the first time compared to the second time?

A: The first time we played Rocklin it was very motivating and intense, yet the second game was frustrating because we had performed so well but weren’t able to score as highly as the last game.

Q: What do you think the team needs to work on the most?

A: I think the team needs to work on our overall focus during practice and games by staying on task and continuing to work on skills during the entire practice.

Q: How was the team’s performance while playing two games in the same night?

A: Our team’s performance while having two games in one night is great because we really push ourselves to continue to fight during the second game no matter how tired we are.

Q: How was the team’s performance while playing Rocklin?

A: Our team’s performance during both games against Rocklin was amazing. We really pushed ourselves to not to be intimidated by their team and to do our own personal best.

Q: What is a personal goal you have for the rest of the season?

A: My personal goal for the rest of the season is to continue to push for more solid skills and to work on gaining more power and flexibility.