Child Development program honors Tiny Cats participants with graduation ceremony

Child Development II students held a graduation ceremony May 20 for their Tiny Cats students.

The program had 12 participants this semester, and the student teachers met with them every Wednesday and Friday during the second semester to play games, sing, create crafts and host other creative activities. Hosting a miniature graduation ceremony took a few weeks of planning before the event.

“Preparing for [Tiny Cats] graduation, we got to choose a leading role. During PAWS, we did a run-through to get a better understanding of our roles. The kids came first, and we did another run-through with them before their parents arrived,” Leah Murray said.

Parents, grandparents and siblings joined them for their graduation.

Maya Gomez was one of the Child Development II students who enjoyed hosting the ceremony to end the semester. She said, “It was so fun to see the kids interacting with their parents and siblings. The other teachers and I talked about how much they looked like their parents, and it was so cute how some of their behaviors mirrored their parents.'”