Donald Trump cannot become president


Donald Trump speaks at his rally in Laconia. Photo by Michael Vadon. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

There is only one thing dominating this year’s presidential race: Trump. Yes I said it, the glorified billionaire who thinks he can state absurd facts loudly and insult the other candidates to get votes.

The businessman entered the race to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States last June. I, and many other people, were thinking at that time that this was not going to last and that this was a short lived publicity stunt. But here we are in March and Donald is the frontrunner for his party with 387 delegates.  That is 84 more delegates than the second place candidate, Ted Cruz.

With more and more people dropping out of the race, Trump is being seen as a viable contender to civilians who are fed up with the type of people in office and want someone who can make a difference. Trump influences his voters by being a passionate speaker and conveying emotion into every word. You know who else did that though, got the people on his side? Adolf Hitler.

As more and more states cast their ballots, Trump fires hard at anyone that opposes him, especially his competitors. This past debate, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio were talking about the size of a particular organ on the body instead of their policies and plans when they get elected President. Trump has turned these politicians into high school boys who just want to have the upper hand no matter what the cost.
Just like “The Apprentice”, Trump has turned the election into a reality show and somehow is sitting pretty at the top of the food chain. If things keep going at the same rate, Trump will be elected President and the country will fall into a pit that they will not be able to dig out of.