Along with distance learning, students change to a 4×4 schedule


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In the current distance learning model, students sign into four different online classes each day using Zoom or Google Meet.

For the past 15 years, there has been an alternating block schedule where students switch between eight classes every other day. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the school has been shifted to distance learning. This year will be their first year using a 4×4 schedule.

Under a 4×4 schedule, students have only four classes a semester. They have to attend the same classes every day until they receive a new schedule in the spring. The daily model means students finish a full course in half the time and start again in the second semester with different courses.

 “I love the 4×4 schedule. I feel less stressed since there aren’t eight classes. It makes it a lot easier for me to memorize my schedule, knowing I’m going to the same classes,” Ashley Hayes said.

With only four classes a semester, the workload has become more manageable. “I think learning is now easier because with having the same classes every day, I remember everything better instead of thinking back to what happened a few days ago,” Sam Roberston said. 

 But for teachers, it’s become more challenging to teach the same class every day. 

“I’ve found that it’s much harder! I’m spending way more hours each day prepping, answering emails, dealing with tech issues and dealing with new expectations. We are still teaching the same number of days, so the wiggle room is still the same on a 4×4. I want to make sure my students are getting the best possible experience even though it’s difficult since we are all new to this,” Mrs. Riki Mitzel said.

Despite the stress, some are finding that seeing the same students every day can help strengthen bonds. 

“I think it is easier to build connections seeing the same students every day, it allows you to get to know them quicker. However, at semester we will all be starting over [and] I’m going to be a little sad when I lose my students,” Mitzel said.

Every morning students log onto a Zoom meeting and prepare for their school day. 

“I was confused at first how classes online were going to go, but now I don’t think it’s that bad. I’ve got used to waking up and just heading to my computer; I really enjoy having a routine now because my days feel structured unlike before during quarantine,” Robertson said.

While still trying to figure out the new 4×4 schedule, everyone has varying opinions on whether they feel it is aiding them in learning or making it more confusing. But because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 4×4 schedule was a solution to begin distance learning. 

“We’re using 4×4 this year in order to make the shift to online school easier for students. Since this whole year is new for everyone, if students only have four classes instead of eight it will be easier for them to adjust to taking classes online instead of in person,” said Mitzel.

All in all, students and staff are finding ways to adjust to the new 4×4 schedule and distance learning for this school year.