Independent Study programs leave students with mixed emotions


Photo by Camelia Coffman.

Ms. Kari Ustaszewski hands Justin Clarke assignments for his Independent Study packet.

Not understanding different concepts learned in an everyday class can be frustrating, especially if the class moves too fast. Independent Study is a common alternative students go to to fix this problem, especially if they will be absent for more than five days. Independent Study can be used for even the whole school year depending on the time length students request.

“I will be on Independent Study until I graduate. Some people do it for a short time, but I’m not going to be coming back because this is less stressful for me, and my grades have gotten a lot better,” Darrin Miller said. “I was struggling in my classes and I’d rather be in an environment that has less people because I’m not the most social person. Also it’s easier to graduate early on Independent Study compared to going to an actual high school.”

Independent Study is a program where students know they are prearranged to be absent for more than five days. After talking to the attendance office students gather assignments that must be done, otherwise it violates the Independent Study Contract.

“To me there’s nothing negative about Independent Study. It’s more challenging to get into some colleges, but it really depends on the person. Some may think it’s not good for them because they want more time in the classroom to get more help, but to me it’s made everything easier. I can work more hours at work and next year I’m going to try to get some classes at Sierra College, even though I will only be a junior,” Miller said.

Some students who take Independent Study view it as a great idea because of their different type of learning style, which helps them with understanding classes better.

“I thought that Independent Study would benefit me because I didn’t feel like I was learning that much before, and I get more one on one time with the teachers and with my family problems. It kind of helps me personally have some more time while everyone’s away,” Blair Eppler said.

For students taking Independent Study it can end up being a struggle or a positive side to their education depending on the different types of learning.

“It’s really stressful having to get signatures from all of your teachers when you get back, and for me personally it was really difficult because I was gone the first week and most of my teachers didn’t know their lesson plans so it was hard to get the assignments for me,” Sarah Sage said.

Sometimes students believe that Independent Study is the way out of waking up early for high school, or a way to get out of doing work.

“I think [students] could definitely try to get out of school work, but they would quickly realize that the consequences would be worse than not going to school for a couple days,” Sage said.

To go into Independent Study visit the attendance office and request for Independent Study sheets to gather assignments from classes. A meeting between a parent or guardian, assistant principal and the student is required to sign an Independent Study Contract. More information is located on page seven of the Whitney High School Planner.