‘Atypical’ in a good way

Recently Netflix has been providing many of their own originals, such as the series, “Atypical” released Aug. 11, 2017. This comedy-drama series tries to execute what life is like for Sam (Keir Gilchrist), who has autism. Not only does it portray how hard it is for Sam, but also the struggles his mom Elsa (Jennifer Jason Leigh), his dad Doug (Michael Rapaport), and his sister Casey (Brigette Lundy-Paine) have all experienced.


In Season 1 there are only eight episodes so far and for every episode I had to pause it, because I was laughing so hard. Having watched many of the popular TV shows, such as Parenthood and Grey’s Anatomy, this one is a top favorite. Although cheesy at times, the comedic aspect was one of the main reasons I enjoyed this show so much. For instance, Sam went up to a couple at school and he noticed the girl was not with the same guy as the day before. Sam asked the guy how he wooed her and told him he’s doing research on how to steal a woman. If you are looking for a humorous yet controversial show than this is one to watch.


I personally think the show portrays autism in a very friendly way that lets you see a little bit of how autistic kids think and have daily life challenges, but I also think it’s probably not the most realistic portrayal at times. Besides that, it’s a good start to helping people realize what it’s like for these kids.


The first season mainly surrounds Sam’s mission to get a girlfriend and be more independent. As this causes his mom to find more time for herself and later runs into family issues. By the end of this season you will be so engulfed in the show you won’t know what to do when your finished. The Dramatic cliffhanger left off at the season finale had me very conflicted.